TUFFBOOM series booms are installed in over 63-countries enabeling dam safety engineers to reduce dam safety risks while increasing renewable hydroelectric power generation by deflecting floating debris away from trash racks and spillgate structures.
For Public Safety Around Dams, TUFFBOOM Series floating booms provide both a visible and a physical deterrent to clearly define dangerous zones to prevent boaters from entering the high flow “draw zones” in front of water intakes, above open floodgates, near overflow dams.
Worthington’s BoatBuster-20 trash barriers are designed to stop trash and debris from entering the oceans by capturing it at the source.
The Boatbuster-20 series of barriers are engineered to withstand high flows combined with heavy trash, debris, and ice loads.
What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.
What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.
Our waterway barrier management provides you dam safety, river management, or water quality operations. Consider these issues and if you have any of them, give us a call.
Our experts recommend
considering these solutions!
Boom Installation
Floating Logs
Floating Water Hyacinth
Frazil Ice
River Debris
Lake Trash
Post Fire Floating Debris
Floating Peat
Plastic Lakes
Plastic in Rivers
Ocean Garbage
Marine Trash
Floating Trees
Boats Breaking Loose During Storms
Floating Debris
Floating Litter