Trash Booms: Let Us Do the Dirty Work.
Trash Booms and Trash Boom Maintenance
Your investment in trash booms for ocean cleanup, floating litter booms, fish guidance systems or ice booms needs to last for generations. With our ODINBoom® HDPE floating barriers, that investment is intended to last for 50-years. And the best way to ensure the life of your waterway barrier system is with routine inspections, preventative maintenance and related technical services. Catching minor issues early helps to prevent excessive damage and repair costs later.
Your trusted Worthington’s waterway barrier design experts to help you to find the right balance of cost and effectiveness. Now you can turn to the floating trash boom experts at Worthington to help you maintain your trash boom investment with tailor-crafted short-term or long-term maintenance services. Many owners lack the resources, or find it complicated to find marine contractors who have experience in their field. That’s where Worthington’s marine construction and maintenance division can help.
Our turnkey boom services include design, supply, installation, and maintenance for headpond safety booms, trash booms, tailrace safety barriers, behavioral fish guidance systems, ice booms and more. Annual maintenance requirements for your waterway barrier can range from a simple yearly drive-by inspection to a more rigorous routine that inspects trash booms, connections, anchorages, and other key components. This is especially important for waterway barrier systems exposed to unique seasonal influences such as frazil ice, spring freshet, flooding from tropical storms and other major weather-induced flow events.
Global warming has altered the frequency and severity of weather-related flow events. Trash boom systems are exposed to 100-year floods, Probable Maximum Floods (PMF) and extreme events more than ever before. Worthington marine services will provide the peace of mind and assurance that your trash boom system is in a continuous state of readiness for the fury of nature.
Safety First. Worthington works with only per-qualified marine contractors and commercial divers with exceptional safety records. For us, every project begins with safety. Our partners deliver high standards, performed by highly trained and capable teams who are bonded and insured. Our marine maintenance services are completed efficiently with long lasting results while minimizing downtime or disruption to operations.
With a routine preventative trash boom maintenance program in place, our highly qualified partners are able to evaluate current conditions, deliver preventative maintenance services and project long-term maintenance needs.
Leverage Worthington’s 20+ years of trash boom, log boom, ocean cleanup, and floating barrier experience by putting us to work maintaining and servicing your floating waterway barrier.