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Panama. Clean Rivers Effort. Worthington worked with Marea Verde (Green Tide) to install this trash barrier which is working very well. Worthington Clean River Initiative projects like this and others around the world are helping to keep our rivers clean and our oceans free of plastic trash.

Durlassboden Dam (Gerlos, Austria). Heavy duty BB20 barrier designed for large fluctuations in water level

Lake Merriweather (Goshen, VA). BB20 Debris Barrier in Safety Vee debris shedding configuration

Flexifloat barges and excavator used to install Danforth style ship anchors.
Austria, Wingicarribbee Dam. Worthignton designed this robust barrier to prevent floating islands of peat from obstructing floodgates.

Red Rock Dam (Ontario, Canada). TUFFBOOM debris and safety barrier with mid-point anchrages.

Fire Debris, California. TUFFBOOM barriers have been used by dam managers throughout Western USA to control floating debris following devastating wildfires.
Worthington's TUFFBOOM and BoatBuster barriers are available in multiple color options. This barrier in New Hampshire (USA) blends perfectly with the surrounding environment.
Tailrace barriers demand a robust design that Worthington's BoatBuster (shown here) and ODINBoom are capable of offering.
Occoquan Dam (Fairfax, Virginia, USA). BoatBuster public safety boat barrier successfully prevents boaters from approaching the 60-foot high ungated spillway.
Duke Power, Tillery Hydro (NC). Tuffboom barrier shown restraining large amounts of debris following Hurricane Florence in 2019.

Mica Dam (British Columbia, Canada). BoatBuster tailrace barrier prevents boaters from approaching dangerous discharge tubes at the Mica Hydropower station.
Clergue Generating Station (Ontario, Canada). 48" dia x 72" long tailrace barrier designed for high and turbulent flows.
Worthington steel ice booms staged prior to installing at the Shipshaw Hydro plant in Quebec, Canada.
Muskrat Falls Hydroelectric station ice boom. Worthington's engineers designed the robust steel ice boom for the newly constructed 824 MW project.
Float trials in Portugal for the debris barrier at the Kamuzu Barrage in Malawi.
Installing anchorages on the Snake River for the USACE Lower Monumental Dam Public Safety barrier

Shoreline preparation for a concrete deadman style anchor
Ecuador, Agoyan Dam. Installing a vertical slide beam to allow for large water level fluctuations
Terrorist Security barrier at a water supply reservoir in Southeastern USA
Lake Lynn Hydro (Cube Hydro, PA). Vertical slide beam and slide float allows the boom line to easily adjust to chaining water levels.
Lake Lynn Hydro (Cube Hydro, PA). Shoreline deadman anchor example

AEP, Berrien Springs Hydro (Michigan, USA). Debris barrier with floating walkway. Worthington specialty barriers are designed to suit your site specific needs.

UH-OH! This client tried to save money by making their own barrier with a walkway and debris screens. The barrier flipped and the client came back to Worthington for a solution that works.

FirstLight Hydro, Cabot Station. Aerial image showing Worthington ice barrier designed to keep ice from hydro intakes and to allow for ice to be passed through floodgates during spring freshet.
FirstLight Energy, Cabot Hydro Station. Ice boom shown during spring freshet. Operators are passing ice through open floodgates.
Kamuzu Barrage (Liwonde, Malawi). Worthington hyacinth barrier used to stop floating grasses and weeds before they can block downstream hydroelectric plant intakes.

Little Goose Dam, US Army Corps of Engineers. Boat gate in open position at this Corps dam on the Snake River.
AEP, Smith Mountain hydroelectric station. Upstream view of the public safety boat barrier. BoatBuster with 4-ft chain between units.
Shoreline anchor example. If the bedrock is good, we can securely connect booms to anchor bolts embedded into rock as shown here.
AEP Smith Mountain Dam. Aerial image showing powerplant and headpond safety boom.
TUFFBOOM-XL - 24" dia x 15-ft long debris boom on the Kanawha River at AEP's London hydroelectric plant. This barrier replaced an aging homemade pipe boom.

Worthington Clean Rivers Effort. Debris boom at Boarderfields State Park used to keep all of this plastic trash from entering the Tijuana Estuary and the Pacific Ocean. Worthington Clean River Projects like this are preventing thousands of tons of trash from entering our oceans.

Xyaburi Hydro, Laos. Worthington designed and supplied this upstream debris barrier for the newly commissioned 1,285 MW Xayaburi Hydroelectric Plant.

AEP London Hydro debris barrier. Kanawha River (West Virginia, USA)

US Army Corps of Engineers, Tygart Dam (West Virginia, USA). Worthington TUFFBOOM barrier shown during winter pool. Booms easily rest along the shoreline during low water.